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Rohnert Park, CA, Personal Injury Attorney You Can Trust

Filing a lawsuit for additional injuries but don’t know where to begin – or end? Lou Beary of The Law Offices of Louis G. Beary & Associates, P.C. can guide you to a successful recovery.

Suffering an injury is a terrible setback, at best, that is difficult to come to terms with. What’s worse is when the cause of your injury is the result of someone else’s doing, especially when neglect is at the center of it. Unfortunately, this is only the start of navigating new and complex realities. In the wake of the incident where you suffered injury, you are faced with a choice, although it may not actually be much of a choice at all.

You can choose to do nothing and cover your recovery on your own. Or, you can choose to seek to have the responsible party compensate you for the damages you suffered. This requires dealing with the legal system, however. Although a hassle, it is less of a burden than covering your own recovery.

Since you don’t have the time – especially with so much of it dedicated to your recovery – to get up to speed on personal injury law, you need an injury claim lawyer to step in and take the reins of your claim. That’s where The Law Offices of Louis G. Beary & Associates, P.C. can make all the difference.

Lou Beary is the founder and managing attorney of The Law Offices of Louis G. Beary & Associates, P.C., a law firm based in Rohnert Park, CA, with a laser-sharp focus on personal injury cases. Over his 30 years as an injury settlement lawyer, Lou has recovered millions in settlements for his clients. He brings this ability to properly evaluate a case and settle for a high value that he’s honed over the years to your case when you partner with him.

What Is Additional Injuries And Accidents Law?

Personal Injury Attorney, Rohnert Park, CA You may have heard of general personal injury law or some of the common subsets of it, such as:
  • Automobile accidents.
  • Slip and fall, or general premise liability.
  • Product liability.
  • Medical malpractice.
  • Workplace injury.
  • Dog bites.
  • Wrongful death.
Not as well known, additional injuries/accidents refers to instances where you experience injuries or damages related to an accident but after the accident occurred. For example, let’s say you were in a car accident and you suffered injuries that were immediately diagnosed, like whiplash and a broken arm. But as you undergo medical treatment on your way to recovery, it’s found that you have more than just whiplash and a broken arm – you’ve developed an infection because of your broken arm, too.

What Are Some Things I’ll Need To Know For My Additional Injuries/Accidents Claim?

Even if you partner with a personal injury law firm, there are some basic things you’ll need to know. We’ve got you covered with some commonly asked questions so you can hit the ground running with your accident lawyer once you hire them.

Where Are We In The Case?

Cases are broken up into two parts: pre-litigation and litigation. In pre-litigation, your attorney will gather evidence, assess the liability of the responsible party, and negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf. Litigation is essentially just an escalation of your claim by potentially bringing it to court if it cannot be settled. Discovery, the process of gathering and sharing evidence with the other party involved in the case, is a critical part of litigation. Deposition, the sworn testimony of witnesses, also comes into play here.

Personal Injury Attorney, Rohnert Park, CA

I’m Really Hurt. Who Can I Go To For The Treatment I Need?

I have a network of medical professionals I’ve developed relationships with over my career. When you partner with me, I connect you with them to ensure you receive the best treatment available. Being in my network, they’re familiar with my standards in terms of documenting things. This helps your cause on the legal front, not just medical.

What Is My Claim Worth?

Determining how much your claim is worth is difficult without knowing specific details since it is contingent on several factors. These factors include lost wages, pain and suffering, medical expenses, and more. After we have a consultation, I’d be in a position to give you a general idea of what you could expect.

Get The Help You Need Now

If you’re facing serious damage or a severe injury in Rohnert, CA, and need help navigating the legal system, Lou Beary of The Law Offices of Louis G. Beary & Associates, P.C. is just a call away. Serving as your accident lawyer, Lou will draw on his deep sense of commitment to seeing you be made whole and receive the justice you deserve. He will build as strong a case as possible that ensures a healthy settlement to that end. Call today at (844) 777-1434 or submit a contact form.

Navigating the complexities of transportation accidents and
personal injury cases with the expertise of Lou Beary.

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